September | The Peacock

Effortlessly beautiful and with the grace of a ballet dancer, peacocks have an awe-inspiring appearance. 

The peacock has a spiritual meaning across different cultures around the world. 

The Hindus associate this most elegant creature with the goddess Lakshmi, closely linked with personal wealth and prosperity.

Whilst according to Christian traditions, the peacock represents immortality, a sign of rebirth, renewal and rejuvenation. 

In Shamanic rituals, peacock feathers are believed to possess strong healing powers. Their spirit can heal mental and emotional wounds, helping you grow stronger and wiser from your experiences. 

Just as the peacocks can’t see their own feathers and beauty, we can also be unaware of our gifts. As a spirit animal, the peacock can be a guide to rejuvenate and express our true potential.


October | The Fox


August | The Starfish