Our World
December | The Deer
As a spirit animal, the deer steers us to be gentle through a path of peace and kindness. These graceful creatures hold a natural beauty, innocence and powerful sensitivity.
November | The Wolf
The wolf is an enigmatic creature, often painted out to be independent and lonesome. Wolves are actually very dependent on their pack, they have a strong social structure. As a spirit animal the wolf symbolizes an intriguing mix of power, loyalty, guardianship, teamwork and wildness.
October | The Fox
Inhabiting almost every continent on Earth except Antarctica, foxes appear in the mythologies and folklore of many cultures. Independent and resourceful, the fox symbolises awareness, responsiveness, luck and being cunning.
September | The Peacock
Effortlessly beautiful and with the grace of a ballet dancer, peacocks have an awe-inspiring appearance. The peacock has a spiritual meaning across different cultures around the world.
August | The Starfish
Opened to fully benefit from the elements of the world, as a spirit animal, the starfish reminds us of our infinite potential and to stretch beyond the familiar.
Ancient and mysterious, these sensitive creatures have the ability to regenerate. They are known as sea stars as they provide a heavenly sky for the ocean.
July | The Dove
With its soft and graceful look, doves are a symbol of grace, gentleness, purity, divinity and freedom. Its presence has a calming effect.
June | The Dragonfly
A dragonfly represents spiritual growth through change and transformation.
This spirit animal is thought to make an appearance when we need to bring joy into our lives.
May | The Ladybug
With its delicate and unique polka dot artistic appearance, having a ladybug landing on your hand can feel like a magical moment and a heartwarming encounter.
This beautiful curved winged spirit animal teaches us to find joy in little things and to believe in our wishes.
April | The Butterfly
Spirit Animals are an embodied form of a spiritual guide, a spiritual entity that act as a messenger or protector to a human being. Its appearance signals a time to connect with your true Self and your life’s purpose. Ancient traditions say that Spirit Animals help you align with your highest spiritual path.